It's a road that's less traveled. Only chosen by a few It's a straight and narrow path that leads the way And though many times we stumble neath the heavy load we bear He's paved this road with His mercy and grace No matter how far you've gone Still you can return Hear the master voice calling you today He says come to me I'm here with open arms You're on the road that's paved with grace Now we may be left with sorrow, disappointment or pain And in a Time of weakness we can surely stray But no matter where you wonder His Hands extended out For there's no end or limit to his grace No matter how far you've gone, still you can return Hear the master voice calling you to today He says come to me. I'm here with open arms You're on the road that's paved with grace Saving grace, boundless grace, un-measureless, an endless reserve Amazing grace, matchless grace, much more than we could ever deserve No matter how far you've gone, still you can return Hear the master's voice calling you to today He says come to me. I'm here with open arms You're on the road that's paved with grace Yeah we're on the road that's paved with grace