Woah Woah Woah Wallit Woah Wallit Woah Yeah Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah Ehhh Woah Yeah Woah woah woah woah woah Woah woah woah woah woah (fuck) Woah ahhh (fuck shit) Woah argggh (fuck) Woah woah woarghhh (fuck shit fuck shit) Woah woarghhh (fuck) Woah arghhh (fuck) A hoe with the Iskanchi (fuck shit) Yaro with the Iskanchi (fuck) I pull up with the Iskanchi (fuck shit fuck shit) Dole with the Iskanchi (fuck) If you with the Iskanchi Wolling with the Iskanchi (fuck) Gang with the Iskanchi (fuck shit) Popping with it (fuck) A hoe with the Iskanchi (Let's fuck shit fuck shit) The Iskanchi (Up)(Hmmn) I pull up with the Iskanchi (Let's fuck shit fuck shit) The Iskanchi (Up) If you with the Iskachi (Let's fuck shit) The Iskanchi (Up) Gang with the Iskanchi (Let's fuck shit fuck shit) Popping with it