Let's hail 讚美大愛Mefis We're grateful 感恩創造Bala Give us, Dialon予阮勇氣 The Triune be with us 阮詛咒怹的野蠻怹的粗殘對神不敬 阮詛咒怹的能力操控自然來攻擊神 阮詛咒死 詛咒靈 詛咒怹的法力 怹殺死阮的神 Oh 偉大的神予阮未來 Hail the Triune 無咧驚失敗 Oh 偉大的神予阮未來 Follow the Triune, let's fight Raise your swords again So people, raise your swords, you raise your swords Raise your swords again So people, raise your swords, you're ready to Fight Fight 阮詛咒怹的野蠻怹的粗殘對神不敬 阮詛咒怹的能力操控自然來攻擊神 阮詛咒死 詛咒靈 詛咒怹的法力 怹殺死阮的神 Oh 偉大的神予阮未來 Hail the Triune 無咧驚失敗 Oh 偉大的神予阮未來 Follow the Triune, let's fight Raise your swords again So people, raise your swords, you raise your swords Raise your swords again So people, raise your swords, you raise your swords Fight, fight, fight So people, raise your swords, you raise your swords Fight, fight, fight So people, raise your swords, you're ready to fight 三人前來 因為三拍開未來 自願者的鮮血流出來 母親阿 阮等您轉來 三人前來 因為三拍開未來 自願者的鮮血流出來 母親阿 阮等您轉來 (Lilith萬歲) 您的偉大(萬萬歲) 讚美 Lilith 等您轉來 對阮解救