從不在乎過程 只在乎結果 早已習慣為每個決定負責 卻還是會感到心痛 眼中的顏色 何時變得如此斑駁 迷失在和自我競逐的世界當中 愈想抓住 卻愈抓不住 無法抑制矛盾心理 掩飾不了心中卑微 There's no answer to the same questions Getting harder to pretend to be strong in confusion Something is really missing in your life but you'll never get it back Set a fire to the past and watch it burn away When you are standing in the ashes of every decision you've made What are you looking for? What else can you give up? 每一次猶豫 每一次選擇 堆積而成的生活 找不到絕對的答案 一切概括承受 支撐我的是執著 支配我的也是執著 迷失在和自我競逐的世界當中 愈想抓住 卻愈抓不住 無法抑制矛盾心理 掩飾不了心中卑微 There's no answer to the same questions Getting harder to pretend to be strong in confusion Something is really missing in your life but you'll never get it back Set a fire to the past and watch it burn away When you are standing in the ashes of every decision you've made What are you looking for? What else can you give up? 顛倒的日夜 顛倒的黑白 流逝的時間 嘲諷著虛度光陰的人 學不會的教訓 學不會的寬容 盡情消磨生命 直到自己認同 There's no answer to the same questions But I still try so hard to hold on everything I try so hard to hold on everything That I'm willing to spend the rest of my life guarding I try so hard to hold on everything That I'm willing to spend the rest of my life guarding Behind the decisions I realize what it takes If I lose again Would you still be proud of me?