
龍藏Ryuzo тексты песен

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福岡県出身。 現在もウエイトリフティングの日本記録保持者というトップ・アスリートから転向した異色のギタリスト。 競技から引退後、本格的に音楽に取り組むため上京。音楽学校に入学し井上博氏に師事。学校では特待生に選ばれる。 卒業後の2016年に『Morris FINGER PICKING DAY 』に出場。優秀賞(準グランプリ)を受賞。 その後サポート・ミュージシャンとして演奏活動を行いながら、オリジナル・アレンジのカヴァー曲の演奏動画をYouTubeに次々とUP。これが大きな反響を呼び、投稿開始から数年で再生合計回数約1,900万回、チャンネル登録者数は約8万人(2021年10月時)となる。 龍藏RyuzoアレンジのTAB譜はデジタル・コンテンツ販売サイトでNo.1の販売数を維持している。 2018年から毎年1作品リリースしているアルバムはその類い稀なアレンジ力とずば抜けた演奏力で高い評価を受けている。 Born in Fukuoka, Japan. A top athlete turned guitarist who still holds the Japanese record in weightlifting. After retiring from competition, he moved to Tokyo to pursue his music career in earnest. He entered a music school and studied under Hiroshi Inoue, and was selected as a special student there. After graduation, he participated in "Morris FINGER PICKING DAY" in 2016 and won the Runner-up Prize. And then, while performing as a support musician, he started uploading videos of his original arrangements of cover songs on YouTube, which received a great response. Within a few years, the total number of views reached 19 million, and the number of subscribers to his channel is about 80,000 (as of October 2021). The TAB sheet music arranged by Ryuzo has maintained the No.1 sales on digital content store. Since 2018, he has released an album every year, which has been highly acclaimed for its exceptional arrangement and outstanding performance.