Drawn by a desolate glow... Eerie lights from temples below... Pale dim shades of cities lost, Ancient idols reveal the host. Transcending the void Of the deepest black sea, Consciousness fades And life's drawn From the flesh! Transformation Of lungs into gills Metamorphosis Of lungs into gills Destinies intertwine in endless strife... Pitiful dreams of evolution's crown. Mingled in chaos to the ends of life, Whilst gaping chasms see me drown! Iä Iä! Abyssal choirs resound... Iä Iä! Calls of worship unbound... Body and soul in turmoil and revolt Transformation of lungs into gills Committed forever to the one so old! Metamorphosis of lungs into gills Wide awake as waters flood the breathless void... Abyssal choirs Resound! Iä Iä! Calls of worship unbound... Iä Iä! Blessed be thou who dreams! Iä Iä! Blood and soul given to thee! As the world trembles In cataclysmic decay... Seeking comfort in the Cold caliginous deep. Settling within murky Green chambers of stone... Life eternal In the ancient Halls of R'lyeh!