Come on! Drop me to hell. But it would be impossible? In order to take away your confidence We were born OhThen! Advice from top Obtrusive also Human beings that have been dancing. I not words. この歌をお前に その頭 吹き飛ばしたい 距離もいまは 離れてても 生きぬくことは 簡単じゃなくて いつも誰か狙ってるから 気付けば... break down Oh hey! As it's get outta. I don't wake up even with a kiss of a princess And it fell into a deep sleep. This world is interesting because not be easy. All your dreams can come true. If you have courage to pursue them. 言葉重みを感じさせた それは完全なる世界観で Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! この歌をお前に その背中 飛び超えたなら きっと明日は無くなるけど 天に唾吐いた 結末は ずっと 酷く辛い戦いでも 目指すは... complete