Movement... I'm asleep in a fog That nothing can cut through The constant of time standing ever still Waters pristine, oar rippling stars An endless expanse Empyreal mirror What is this light Piercing heaven's sky I cannot see I cannot see If only I knew What this weatherworn face would see I'd have set sail for another shore These seas tumultuous and merciless Those sent to guide me only drove me deeper into storms Beset into defeat, gripped by paralysis Pumelled by relentless rains of doubt and despair Despite the weight of it all I'm not sure if I felt it at all And as I sank like a stone I feared too much to ask of you To reach down and pull me in Or to turn away and let me go Leave me here I'm the only one I trust Not to deepen these wounds Cast me adrift I'm safer alone I can guide myself home Wherever that may be Why am I so numb To the terrors I've seen To the pains I've felt To the fear I've known? Countless in number they are They say they are my strength But each scar is a weight Pulling me further Each make me sink Forlorn visions of bygone times are lost in the swell Reality's rawness is lost to the daze Bring me sleep You are lost but I have found my own place In this maladjusted world we call our home I hid in the stars I conjured a world I made my escape You cannot hurt me here I longed for the same as you But I'm at peace now Whatever story they tell of me Through the lens of misjudgment Means nothing to me here With doors open wide Come find me