Dublin Donuts Dublin Donuts Dont hev won dubble owp and go nuts Dublin Donuts Dublin Donuts Dont hev won dubble owp and go nuts Dublin Donuts Dublin Donuts Dont hev won dubble owp and go nuts Dublin Donuts Dublin Donuts Dont hev won dubble owp and go nuts Choclit Strawbowm Nan Banaan Whaaaaaaat I hev won in th middul uv han I wawnt two pleez understand Donut Dubble Up Want boyfrain girlfrain then couple owp Get under cowver ain snowggle owp They chew gum, want to blow bubble up I like a donut, I like a sprinkle I like a Christmas Go talk to Kringle I em speeking about oon sweet I em speeking about oo treet Dublin Donuts iz unique They wawnt you to have two jows like feet Jows like hand, jowst like eer Wawnt two donuts you will get greet at Dublin Donuts Dublin Donuts Dont hev won dubble owp and go nuts Dublin Donuts Dublin Donuts Dont hev won dubble owp and go nuts Dublin Donuts Dublin Donuts Dont hev won dubble owp and go nuts Dublin Donuts Dublin Donuts Dont hev won dubble owp and go nuts I go to Tha Dublin Donuts They hev uh fly thru That iz why i go nuts Donuts all day And awl night 25 Hour just to be prusice Bowt downt hev one Thet is where tha fown stowp They demaind thet you hev too, and that's non-stowp Thets why they call it dublin donuts Order won, they aisk you try dubble up Jows say yais Dont try too impress Lady hev dress Man hev paint Baby like daince Child like traince Go into a traince uv donuts get enough Aisk yur mowm, aind aisk yur daid If after heering hashmeer they feeling glad They wheel say They heppy grown ups Because they took too ain nut won Dublin Donuts Dublin Donuts Dublin Donuts Dont hev won dubble owp and go nuts Dublin Donuts Dublin Donuts Dont hev won dubble owp and go nuts Dublin Donuts Dublin Donuts Dont hev won dubble owp and go nuts Dublin Donuts Dublin Donuts Dont hev won dubble owp and go nuts