Hey did ewe evher see thait foozbawl pais from Jerry Sanderson to Eddie Fut-Hut? oh you dedth? Oh, you mowst be a snaik vs crownchers fan then... Leesten I know the snaik I know the crowncher They play oon video gaim in tha sowmmer One hev a sweven, won have a schforty One hev a kick-foot they nickname eet shorty One nowmber schfity have a keckpais he miss Bowt he play for tha crownchers so nobody iz pezzed off Get to tha sowbway for tha video gaim this Sownday We go weef Hot dug, Baisketbawl, aind Pumcake Staip to tha eece mushine for getting me uh swifty That uh crushed ice thet Costing dollur fifty And thet low nowmber, it a great day for Getting hot caik an watching Snaik vs Crownchers Crownchers versus Snaiks Snaiks versis Crownchers They wheel play oon video gaim in tha summer I always wondering why sowmmer is hot Grab a goat milk and then hit tha parkhing lowt Snaiks versus crownchers Crownchers versus snaiks They wheel play oon bezbol gaim until it breaks and ith Maiks me maidth whain they Dont play uh gaim They both hev bezbol hait but yooz different naim It iz down forty points an the snaiks hev the bawl Jerry namath make a touchpass off to benjamin frankfooter, he hev a wide goal een frownt He Rown He make a touchpais off to electroslide benjamin for the pais He make a touch yard to elouise delenor zuckercorn He have a five yard touchpais to make a touch off in a goal or a down zone, making sweft! Keck Ainnnnnn He mess He could hev steel tried in deefrent direcshun, like maybe to right I mean, I know whut, Jerry should have depended on tha waind to tale hem Whale, we culd hev at leest ooh hut dug an chep Who could aisk for enytheeng ailse To be here on this howt day, two bee honest, I like the Crownchers eqwelly Crownchers versus Snaiks Snaiks versis Crownchers They wheel play oon video gaim in tha summer I always wondering why the sowmmer is a hot Grab a goat's milk and then hit tha parkhing lowt Snaiks versus crownchers Crownchers versus Snaiks They wheel play oon bezbol gaim until it breaks and ith Maiks me maidth whain they Dont play uh gaim They both hev bezbol hait but yooz oon different naim