Nothing is as good as sweet tales But a heart of stone will never break Nothing is as sad as love wasted To let it go as if we had it all The thing that's hurting most is How I thought of us You wanted out Wanted someone else but me Counted days all by the seconds Minutes were too long to capture Walked the streets of sizzling summer Shed a tear in every corner Waters are too deep to count on Heaven is a place to doubt in But you are real and I will love you I will never not have had you Memories they bloom along with flowers Spring is harder after you When I listen to our songs it spits like fire But teardrops they will never burn The thing that's hurting most is How I thought of us You wanted out Wanted someone else but me The thing that's hurting most is How I thought of us You wanted out Wanted someone else but me The thing that's hurting most is How I thought of us Counted days all by the seconds Minutes were too long to capture You wanted out Wanted someone else but me Walked the streets of sizzling summer Shed a tear in every corner The thing that's hurting most is How I thought of us Waters are too deep to count on Heaven is a place to doubt in You wanted out Wanted someone else but me I will never not have had you I will never not have had you I will never not have had you I will never not have had you