I've been debating whether or not To even send this message But it stays on my mind and heart And I listen when I think the universe is telling me to do something I feel like I owe an apology because I never did give you one And I still carry some guilt for the way I treated you Our time together was incredibly important for me You opened up my fucking world Changed the way I viewed the world And myself within it forever That was a huge gift and I feel like I really owe it to you I was insecure because I was in the middle of this Metamorphic process of figuring out who I was And because of that was so vulnerable and so defensive So what I guess I owe you is an apology And a thank you Much gratitude for the gifts you introduced me to That have and will last a lifetime We are a lifetime away from each other now In lots of ways But you will always hold a unique and special Place in my heart One of thankfulness and some regret and many well well wishes