Worthy is the One who was, and is, and is to come To be called the Name above all names Who could out-compose the awe of angels and the saints Face down at the throne beneath the weight For You are high High and lifted up On symphonies of praise Exalted night and day Age to age Glory, power and praise belong to You and You alone Wisdom is Your crown and strength Your robe Who could see Your face and not with every breath proclaim None shall match Your worth or take Your place For You are high High and lifted up On symphonies of praise Exalted night and day Age to age For You are high High and lifted up On symphonies of praise Exalted night and day Age to age You're high and lifted up You're great and greatly to be praised High over other names, take Your rightful place Come on, let's join that ancient song, tonight Holy is the Lord Holy is the Lord Holy is the Lord Holy is the Lord Holy is the Lord Holy is the Lord For You are high High and lifted up On symphonies of praise Exalted night and day Age to age For You are high High and lifted up On symphonies of praise Exalted night and day Age to age Holy is the Lord Holy is the Lord Holy is the Lord Holy is the Lord