I'm gonna live my life Like everyday'sthe last Withoutasimple goodbye Itall goesby so fast And now thatyou've gone Ican'tcry hardenough No, I can't cry hard enough Foryou to hearme now Gonnaopen my eyes Andsee for the firsttime I letgo ofyoulike A child letting go ofhiskite There itgoes, upin the sky There it goes, beyondthe clouds Forno reasonwhy Ican'tcry hardenough No, I can't cry hard enough Foryou to hearme now Gonna look back invain And see youstandingthere When all thatremains Is anempty chair And now thatyou've gone Ican'tcry hardenough No, I can't cry hard enough Foryou to hearme now There itgoes, upin the sky There it goes, beyondthe clouds Forno reasonwhy Ican'tcry hardenough No, I can't cry hard enough Foryou to hearme now And now thatyou've gone Ican'tcry hardenough No, I can't cry hard enough Foryou to hearme now