As ancient stone I am Here I stand for evermore From high I gaze at this world so frail And ignore its false pleas For it is as I Eternal No paltry action can quake this titan Hewn from might above Before these gates to higher forms I marvel at such intricacy With myself at its center For all which is here is made And all which occurs is decided The kiss of rain Falling from the skies Flowing down my face to the shambling ground Pools grow beneath my feet Betwixt the crops of stone and earth Yet the droplets see no wonder In the majesty of their order None proclaim their divinity As they grasp the rock so tight Floods and fire see my end Birthed into this realization Yet flesh rots And bone dissolves Before dogma yields its ugly head I see folly and failing No longer distant whimpers But eviscerating howls Tearing at my eyes and face But I am Alpha I am Alpha and Omega How do I crumble away? This was to be the death of another Not mine