Woke up in a panic today I've got so much to do I've gotta pay the utilities And I need some new shoes Later on I have to drop off the kids But not at the pool How the heck can I remember all this? Make a list Make a list Make a list Make a list Make a list Make a list You're never gonna do it if you don't hop to it Don't be stupid just write it all down Make a list You can write it on a Post-it note Or an old receipt You can write it on the back of your hand Or on the tops of your feets I heard they've even got an app for that And it's really neat If there's some stuff you don't wanna forget Make a list Make a list Make a list Make a list Make a list Make a list You're never gonna do it if you don't hop to it Don't be stupid just write it all down Make a list You can make a grocery list You can make a Christmas list You can make a bucket list I knew a guy who made the Dean's list You can make a laundry list Or sign up on a mailing list You're gonna make my shit list If you make the sex offender's list Number one Grab a pencil or any other writing utensil Number two Find some paper You can borrow that sheet from your neighbor Number three Write down your tasks Save the least important ones for last Number four Cross things off Make a list Make a list Make a list Make a list Make a list Make a list You're never gonna do it if you don't hop to it Don't be stupid just write it all down Make a list