There were Penguins in the opera house Minks and sable too Pizzicatos popping round Well hidden from our view I asked the maestro chase them please That sword in hand will do just fine There were penguins in the opera house And we were running out of time! There were Penguins in the opera house They were sitting on the stage They were sawing on the violins They only stopped to turn a page The Maestro waved and swirled and twirled his sword so bravely How well he knew his trade But the penguins did not bat an eye They were not at all afraid The Maestro mad with anger Slashed wildly at the air But the snow birds just sawed harder, faster, as if he wasn't even there! And when the crying violins began to scream A sound I could not bear at all I ran right up to save the day Before they all were twiced by saw The penguins dropped their weapons The mink and sable shouted: "Throw that mad man out at once!" The maestro dropped his arms and pouted Now I know you don't believe me As I sit in padded cage BUT! there WERE penguins in the opra house I wonder Who will wash the stage?