The doves, together at their pasture met The sun, that in our rear was flaming red Who would have led me up along the mountain? The body within which I cast a shadow A lake made from my veins upon the ground The Angel of God, Who sit at the gate I gaze into his faces My eyes turn when I say these words Is thy left shoulder drives his chariot? Then did a light from heaven admonish us? The light upon the ground at my right side Now the rain bathes and move the wind After a thousand steps of me, I say On this side, who will give us sermon The doves, together at their pasture met The sun, that in our rear was flaming red Who would have led me up along the mountain? The body within which I cast a shadow One soul above another shine in us Time passes on, and we perceive it not Now if in front of me no shadow fall How far we have to go for the sun rises For the sun rises How far we have to go For the sun rises How far we have to go The Angel of God, Who sit at the gate I gaze into his faces My eyes turn when I say these words Is thy left shoulder drives his chariot? Then did a light from heaven admonish us? One soul above another shine in us Time passes on, and we perceive it not Now if in front of me no shadow fall How far we have to go for the sun rises For the sun rises How far we have to go For the sun rises How far we have to go