點石成金 將安士變成公斤 利潤平分 小心被名利沖昏 High in the sky 好似風箏 需要新嘅haters 舊嘅變晒擁躉 Fuck the hashtag, we live a real life 想進入撒野包廂麻煩手機丟低 太多計劃要兌現 所以我嘅時間嬌貴 仲乞求對戰 咪妄想借撒野消費 No time hating 正smoke得起勁 習慣vaping 想比拼 瞬間四比零 再睇你幾㷫 Stop faking 穿煲仲技驚 四座咁死頂 但無阻我哋登上頂峰欣賞良辰美景 全身嘅裝備都係全新 穿金戴銀唔需要原因 月入等如你年薪 太過感動一諗起又點燈 Roll that, lighting that, smoke that Roll that, lighting that, smoke that Roll that, lighting that, smoke that Roll that, lighting that, smoke that 除低黑色嘅大衣我地puff 一 puff 好似食完大茶飯都要0趙兩粒 凌時三點三 傳到去420 傳咗幾多轉都冇人問幾時停 yo 房間嘅煙霧令你收起憤怒 放慢嘅時間 思考專注 阻唔到我控訴 深呼吸當然會令你鎮靜 再吸一口嘅感覺迷糊又清醒 So how you like that We on the right track 跳動嘅音符節奏 stuck in my head uh 接受你嘅病接受你嘅命 接受你嘅呼叫聲永遠無人聽 At the end of the day 我會滿足於自己 fuck what you say 將你攪碎放上紙 然後噠著火機 貪生怕死 搖頭擺尾 我就知道我揀隊友 我唔會揀你 Roll that, lighting that, smoke that Roll that, lighting that, smoke that Roll that, lighting that, smoke that Roll that, lighting that, smoke that