He Worships The hands and Feet of His Princess The headless Beast is smothered in wine And covered in smoke Greed is endless Feeding, requires an accomplice His charm works it's magic Be fooled Befriend Smothered in wine And covered in smoke Forgive me princess, I've sinned I've fault her Forgive me I'll never Fault her Fear has him addicted Gradually deadening his senses Seeping through the bridges Of sanity And madness smothered in wine Covered in smoke Soon to be just as vicious Princess, had no idea In darkness and in silence He grew, his idea smothered in wine And he's covered in smoke Forgive me princess, I've sinned I've fathered Forgive me, I'll never father Forgive me princess, I've sinned Forgive me I'll never Forgive me princess, I've sinned Forgive me I'll never fault her And then you see it What shouldn't have been And then you know it You've been deceived He watches His Princess