We've been told there's a ghost in the sky Who pushes the button for the snow And if you talk to your dead grandfather, your grandfather will show You how to get to know this beautiful being up there The one whose image we're all molded in So let's pray to the God of miracles To make things stop being so terrible Maybe things stop being so unbearable If we pray to the God of miracles once in a while There's a power bigger than us And you know it makes the earthquakes quake Were the words from your dead grandmother Who years before made her way Through the world with the help of a magic man in the sky A guy who's there to teach you how to be Let's wish on a burning meteorite That everyone start feeling right Let's pray to the God of miracles That things stop being so unbearable Let's pray to the God of miracles That things stop being so terrible Let's pray to the God of miracles That things stop being so terrible