What's that blood all on your shirt? Son, come tell to me Oh that's the blood of me own greyhound He wouldn't run with me, with me He wouldn't run with me Oh, it's too pale for your greyhound's blood Son, come tell to me Then it's the blood of me own grey mare He wouldn't hunt with me, with me He wouldn't hunt with me Oh, it's too red for your grey mare's blood Son, come tell to me Then it's the blood of my own dear brother He wouldn't ride with me, with me He wouldn't ride with me And what were you all quarreling about? Son, come tell to me Oh it's all about a little holly bush And it might have made a tree, a tree Might have made a tree And what will you do when your father comes to know? Son, come tell to me I'll set sail in the little sailing boat I'll sail across the sea, the sea I'll sail across the sea And what will you do with your pretty little wife? Son, come tell to me Oh she'll sail along in my little sailing boat She'll sail along with me, with me She'll sail along with me And what will you do with your eldest son? Son, come tell to me Oh I'll leave him here for you to raise Rock all upon your knee, your knee To rock all upon your knee And when will you come back again? Son, come tell to me When the sun and the moon they're on yonder hill I know that will never be, never be I know that will never never be