Uh Haha You dirty ass bitches out there who are out there living your lives Like nothing is going down Y'all are really pissing me the fuck off Y'all are really PISSING me the fuck off Do you understand that your Nasty, dirty, stanky, musty, crusty Nasty, dirty, stanky, musty Nasty, dirty, stanky, musty Nasty, dirty, stanky, musty, crusty selfish ass Is passing around dirty germs And it's affecting a lot of people The fuck is wrong with you bitch The fuck is wrong with you Stay that ass indoors Park that ass on the couch Pick up a book Start a show, start a movie Wash that ass, Wash them hands Lock the doors, And stay the fuck home Stay inside you dirty ass bitch Periodt! Stay the fuck home Stay the fuck home Periodt! Do you understand that your Nasty, dirty, stanky, musty, crusty Nasty, dirty, stanky, musty Nasty, dirty, stanky, musty Nasty, dirty, stanky, musty, crusty selfish ass Is passing around dirty germs And it's affecting a lot of people Y'all are really pissing me the fuck off Y'all are really PISSING me the fuck off Lock the doors, and stay the fuck home Fuck Y'all fucking with me bitch The fuck I got people to see, places to go And money to make, but I can't do that Because y'all nasty ass bitches Are really out here living your lives Stay the fuck indoors Fuck Stay inside you dirty ass bitch! PERIODT Fuck! Stay the fuck indoors Stay the fuck home Periodt Stay the fuck home Periodt! Stay the fuck home Stay inside you dirty ass bitch