You know what I found out That nothing is stopping you Nothing is stopping me Nothing is stopping you From reaching your goals I thought about it I said If you're on a football field And the football field has no defense or players on it And you can see the goal on the other side of the football field What is stopping you from getting to the goal because The goal is your idea your dream your image your imagination Your vision, right So, if I see myself being a doctor a lawyer a basketball player A architect, a singer a rapper a motivational speaker A influencer, a scientist whatever I see myself being I can be, who's stopping me from getting to that goal Who's stopping you from getting to your goal There's nothing in your way but yourself Move out of your own way Get out of your own way And run to the finish line Run to the goal post Run run run run run And you will make it There will be obstacles But knock em over Go under them over them around them Slow down speed up but Other than that, right know you don't see any obstacles All you see is a goal So go for your goal If anything pops up just destroy it get it out the way or whatever But right now as you get started you're good You're off to a good start See you in the end when you're very successful Peace