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Mit höhnischem Lächeln steige ich hinabС насмешливой улыбкой я спускаюсь.Voller Häme schaufelte ich mein eigenes GrabПолный уколов, я выкопал себе могилу,I betrayed my idealsI betrayed my idealsAnd lost myselfAnd lost myselfKneeling beforeKneeling beforeThe oppressive systemThe oppressive systemBut not even full surrenderBut not even full surrenderBrought me peaceBrought me peaceMy plans were destined to failMy plans were destined to failNever promisingNever promisingNow I laugh at those other lone wolvesNow I laugh at those other lone wolvesWho still try to save the human breedWho still try to save the human breedDespite my hate for youDespite my hate for youYou all will mourn meYou all will mourn meYou call it a tragedyYou call it a tragedyI call it the last redemptionI call it the last redemptionMit spöttischem Lächeln steige ich hinabС насмешливой улыбкой я спускаюсьVoller Häme schaufelte ich mein eigenes GrabПолный уколов, я выкопал себе могилу,Der wohlige Sarg ist fortan mein ThronУютный гроб отныне-мой трон.Und meine Verachtung euer einziger LohnИ мое презрение-твоя единственная награда,CYNIC SUICIDECYNIC SUICIDE