Sabb Govind hai, Sabb Govind hai Govind Binn nahi koyee Govind binn nahi koyee (Lord being referred as Govind, is everything Without him, there is nothing and no one at all) Suut Ek Mann, Satt Sahas Jaise Oti-Proti Prabhu Soyee (One thread holds hundreds and thousands Of beads, same way his creation is woven) Ek Anek Biyapak Purak, Jatt Dekhun Tatt Soyee Maaiya Chitar Bichat Vimohit, Birla Bujhe koyee (He is one, he is many, He is comprehensive and he also complements Everything, wherever I look, I see only him However colors and unexpected quirky traits of allure) Jall Tarang arr fein budbuda, Jall Te bhinn naa hoyee Ih Parpanch Parbrahm ki leela,vicharat aan naa hoyee (Water wave, foam and bubbles can not be distinguished from the water Same way even after careful discretion we can not Distinguish the ultimate creator from his manifestation (this world)) Mithya Bhram aur Supan ManorathSatt Padaarath Jaaniya Sukrit Mansa Gur Updesi, Jaagat hee mann Jaaniya (Delusion and Dreamy desires as truth of life However an awakened mind which is enlightened) Kehat Namdev hari ki rachna, dekhohriday vicharey Ghat Ghat Antar Sarv Nirantar, Kewal ek Murari (Guru Namdev says reflect upon the composition of In Each and every component, and till the eternity, There is only one thing which is Lord - the Murari)