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SorriУлыбаетсяQuando a dor te procurarКогда боль тебя искатьE a saudade atormentarИ тебя мучитьOs teus dias tristonhos, vaziosДни твои tristonhos, пустыеSorriУлыбаетсяQuando tudo terminarКогда все закончитеQuando nada mais restarКогда больше ничего не осталосьDo teu sonho encantadorТвой сон прекрасныйSorriУлыбаетсяQuando o sol perder a luzКогда солнце пропустить светE sentires uma cruzИ вы чувствуете, как крестNos teus ombros cansados, doridosС нами твои плечи усталые, больныеSorrir, Vai mentindo a tua dorУлыбаться, Будет лжи твоей болиQue ao notar que tu sorrisЧто будет заметить, что, ты, бываетTodo mundo irá suporВсе будет предположить,Que és felizЧто ты счастливSmile tho' your heart is achingSmile tho your heart is болетьSmile even tho' it's breakingSmile even tho its breakingWhen there are clouds in the skyWhen there are clouds in the skyYou'll get byYoull get byIf you smileIf you smileThro' your fear and sorrowБеспересадочный your fear and sorrowSmile and maybe tomorrowSmile and maybe tomorrowYou'll see the sun come shin-ing thro' for youYoull see the sun come shin-ing беспересадочный for youLight up your face with gladnessLight up your face with gladnessHide ev-'ry trace of sadnessHide ev-ry trace of sadnessAltho' a tear may be ever so nearХотя a tear may be ever so nearThat's the timeThats the timeYou must keep on trying, SmileYou must keep on trying SmileWhat's the use of cryingWhats the use of cryingYou'll find that life is still worth-whileYoull find that life is still worth-whileIf you just smileIf you just smileSorriУлыбается