How do you choose to be alone When the devil that you know Still keeps you warm It's a moving sidewalk So doing nothing wrong Is not enough anymore You're heading down that path Unless you do the math And you go twice as fast the other way But if you just sit still you're stuck You're bound to go that way Well sitting still's kinda been my thing these days Natalie depends on me for structure and consistency But she's the one reminding me to eat And sleep If I can't even take care of myself Then I'm not sure what the hell I ever thought that I could teach That leaves me caught between Reluctantly trying to be a role model While praying she grows up to be Anyone but me It's not too late for her But it's too late for me To be anyone but me I only get this way after a rough day or if I'm drunk But all my days are rough and I'm always druuuuuunk When every last distraction Or medicated lack thereof Can only come up short won't be enough To clear up all the traffic in my head Or the static in my blood It's not just bad moods or bad habits It's the fact that I am stuck Counting bus stops Obsessing over Jayne from that Sharpless show I think I put my name wrong in her phone Spend the ride back to Crown Heights Thinking of what it would be like If everybody had a head like mine What a fucking joke