I'm a patient man But there's one thing I've been waiting for My whole god-damn life My eyes are aching man But I can't blink, just in case it falls When I close my eyes I know I should let go But there's a part of me that still hopes it can do it But every time it gets close It double bounces off of both walls I'm still waiting for the DVD logo To hit the corner of my TV The little baby's driving me loco Who knew a graphic could be cheeky? It's just teasing me My eyeballs are now crispy to the touch (I can touch my own eyeballs, is that normal?) Waiting for the DVD logo To hit the corner of my TV I'm not a mad man I do not spend my time exclusively Watching my TV I've got a webcam So I can check on it remotedly and discreetly It's taken over my life My wife divorced me And she took all eight of our kids I missed the birth of my child But I just know it would be worth it not to miss When the cheeky little DVD logo Hits the corner of my TV Did you see that one? Oh heck it, that was so close I trained one eyeball to be lazy So I can multi see My eyeballs are so crispy to the touch (No amount of liquid can rehydrate them) I need the DVD logo To hit the corner of my TV Sometimes I wonder what will happen when it hits Will the world stand still or fold into a dream? Will the DVD logo come to life And hold me like I held my wife? I need the DVD logo To hit the corner of my TV I'm tired of this permanent prologue Let me handle what I can see I can nearly reach Oh baby, I can feel it Something's reeling into me So baby just keep being, don't police your energy