High noon over Camelot The fluorescent sun beat down over the rusted metal wasteland As the Pendragon gang rode into town Arthur was the brains of the outfit, With Guinevere's pistol and Lancelot's rifle following where he led And here he led them to Camelot, A two-cylinder town run by Lavinia Stone As corrupt and cruel a Sheriff as you could Ever hope to meet, backed by her brutish clan She knew why they'd come They wanted her town Avengers or conquerors, who's to say? She spat a stream of tobacco that sizzled on the scorching steel floor "Any sumbitch can pull this tin star from my stone cold hands Makes 'em rightwise sheriff o' this here town," The Pendragons nodded and took their positions on Main Street The other end stood the family Stone, leering and cradling their guns Arthur's hand hovered over his Clarent 10 caliber railgun An ancient weapon he took off a bandit tried To bushwhack him in one of the flooded sectors The sun flickered and brightened, Casting shadows from the run down saloon behind them As the clock tower began to strike noon