Science is for the birds Science is sewage Science is more than words Science is baseball Science is love Science is all of the above Some people and their kids like to talk with their anus Their?????? and operations were painless I can't see where they're coming from with night-vision goggles The kind of blind ignorance that boggles the mind And I'm for sure not feeling them because they're so dull And pointless sexual deviance and joints this flexible Don't go together like acids and bases Even without the thick glasses and brasses Everyone can join a scientific community The sound of silence if it's in unity Can be just as deafening as an experience So keep your mouth closed and think of it as an experiment Try to avoid using words like "intelligent" "Original" or "scientific" cause they are irrelevant If you don't submit the proof to reinforce You'll have to settle for a dean of course Science is fashion Science is spaceships Science is fiction Science is relationships Science is sunsets Science is love Science is all of the above Give me all you got and I'll ask for more again The furthest part from the origin is the origin Birth and death is passage through the same portal Hope condoling for the immortal soul Revolving doors four revolving cores in essences Relaying messages and teaching lessons I'm here to draw the curtains and to give directions Offer a few choices and make a few selections of my own This game is such a gas That kid wears a T-shirt that says "a touch of class" Running around with a mic in his hand Money to spend and is liked by the fans Praises the Almighty and plays by rules But his dog-shit???? was raised by wolves And even though he comes from a different income-group It's not hard to tell that he's a nincompoop Science is Fine Art Science is Reckless Science is sickness Science is breakfast Science is nothing Science is love Science is all of the above