It's always good to eat your food Eat your food Eat your food It's always good to eat your food It's good to eat your food The food you eat turns into poo Into poo Into poo The food you eat turns into poo Your food turns into poo The poo you do goes down the loo Down the loo Down the loo The poo you do goes down the loo Your poo goes down the loo The loo gets flushed out to the sea To the sea To the sea Oh the loo gets flushed out to the sea Flushed out to the sea The sea gets drunk up by a fish By a fish By a fish Oh the sea gets drunk up by a fish The sea gets drunk by fish The fish will make a lovely dish A lovely dish A lovely dish Oh the fish will make a lovely dish A lovely dish for you That's why you should eat your food Eat your food Eat your food That's why you should eat your food Always eat your food