Contact and rupture Unlike a pulse Law of repetition We will always follow Identity is safe The content is nothing Deconstruction of form We will always follow Manipulate the pulse, the pattern, the rhythm Dominate the beat Manipulate the pulse, the pattern, the beat Dominate the world Desire remains Discharge of pleasure Absence of contact We will always follow Manipulate the pulse, the pattern, the rhythm Dominate the beat Manipulate the pulse, the pattern, the beat Dominate the world Manipulate the pulse, the pattern, the rhythm Dominate the beat Manipulate the pulse, the pattern, the beat Dominate the world The pulse, the pattern, the rhythm Dominate the beat Manipulate the pulse, the pattern, the beat Dominate the world Manipulate the pulse, the pattern, the rhythm Dominate the beat Manipulate the pulse, the pattern, the beat Dominate the world