Same old nights pass through, flow over them, They led me to this place... The same old days they graze across my shoulder While I try to fight back against them every day What's the reason to be so worn down, like old tools, worn down, All rusted they can't be used Surrounded by strife, conflict all around me Tried to fill my heart up with doubt and with suspicion But there is one reward for all of the worry Leads us a place we don't know Always keep the things you want to protect So, closely by your side Turn your eyes away, you'll ease the pain If you choose 'just survive'... I went out traveling to find myself Is it ok to think, with polish it will shine? Same old nights pass through, flow over them, They led me to this place... Lotsa feelings left and my empty shell, here they all hang Always keep the things you want to protect So, closely by your side Don't turn your eyes away keep fighting on Surviving's not for you 幾つもの夜を通り過ぎて 辿り着いたここには・・・ お決まりの毎日が肩をかすめていく 押し戻されないように耐えながら 錆びつき使えなくなった道具のように成り果ててまで 磨り減っていく意味はあるんだろうか? 葛藤だけが僕の周りを取り囲んで 疑心が僕を埋め尽くそうとした けど思い悩んだ分だけの代償は 僕達を未知の場所へ導いてくれたんだ 守るべき物はいつでもそばにあるはずなんだ 目を背けてしまえば楽になれるのかも知れない ただ生きるだけなら・・・ 自分探しの旅にも出てみた 磨けば光る物もあると信じていいよね? 幾つもの夜を通り過ぎて 辿り着いたここは・・・ 様々な想いと 僕の抜け殻が掛けてあった 守るべき物はいつでもそばにあるはずなんだ 目を背けずに立ち向かい続ければいい ただ生きてるだけじゃないから・・・