Won't you feel that rock is cold Rock is cold enough to rule the world You don't know you've been told for so long Yes, rock is cold enough to rule the world 他不曾為愛情而傷悲 愛情不過是幸福的罪 他不曾嚐過有唇印的酒杯 走在譁笑的街 彷彿是一廂情願的邂逅 他沒有說 他什麼也不說 就唱著那首乾癟 的老軍歌 那樣的漢子啊 路人都譁笑的走開 聽說他再也無法流淚 一定是秋風撕破了夜 蹣跚的從陰暗的幽谷走來 變成漢子類的癈墟 無淚的老情歌 如果有天你遇見了他 請你對他說明白 Won't you feel that rock is cold Rock is cold enough to rule the world You don't know you've been told for so long Yes, rock is cold enough to rule the world Yes, rock is cold enough to rule the world ♪ 聽說他踩住旅社的台階 台階上有死亡的灰 是蹣跚又堅定的步伐 從來沒有懷疑他的對 是誰說他從來都不傷悲 在委婉的秋風裡我分明 聽見他用灰暗的嗓音唱著 那首無淚的老情歌 啊 啊 無淚的老情歌 聽說他又過了幾條街 從此再也就一去不回 他總是唱起那首無淚的老情歌