I once felt the sun, warm upon my face And the gentle caress of the wind I once breathed in the mountain air And felt the tall grass upon my skin I vaguely remember being alive 'Neath the clouds and open skies It feels like a time long since gone Remembering through someone else's eyes Now days have grown dark and cold Those memories buried down deep Dreadful longing has replaced emotion Putting my hopes and dreams to sleep The daunting urge to push ever forward Driven by a need to fill the void Any resemblance of who I once was Is completely and utterly destroyed As time slowly passes, little seems to change The world around me seems dull and grey My senses are numb to my surroundings As my body drifts aimlessly through the days I'm uncertain of where my path leads And I care little for what lies behind me The ones I love have long since gone Their minds and their souls graciously set free My fire lies dead upon the cold stone And I am but a soulless, empty shell Condemned to wander throughout eternity Trying to escape the confines of this mortal hell