Far too long and far too sore From taking less and giving more 'Twas all too cold, as cold as frost The signs were small then signs were lost Stamped the fire out and took One last breath and one last look Silence does as silence will The sky is thick and silent still Believing isn't any good Believing isn't as it should Wasn't there, or must have been Or maybe just inside that dream And madness is another word For taking all you've seen and heard And cramming it in your mind's cleft So what to do when nothings left? You take your pick of stars Careful which you choose They may reveal your answers Still it doesn't mean they'll soothe Take your pick of stars But only one or two I can point the sky's direction But the rest is up to you Hold the skin to open breast, Tiny heart with zero rest Hard to end and to begin Worse to spare or let it in The blood will ease but never stop And fragments of that time will drop And everything is different, sure But less is less, nor any more. You take your pick of stars Any ones will do They fight the moon for light a lot And rarely they endue Take your pick of stars No matter big or small Some stay up forever, yes But some will have to fall