I'm a Pokemon Master through and through I have 151. If you think I wanna catch anymore than that, then you've got me Neefing wrong. How the Neef, can I catch them all if you keep on making more Pokemon? And how the hell, can I be the best if you keep upgrading my neefing Pokedex? I dont give a Neef if it's in 3d, Monochrome was good enough for me. I dont give a Neef about using 2 screens, Dot Matrix is all I need to see. It's all about Professor Oak, and defeating Gary. It's all about Missingno, and cloning Rare Candy How the Neef, can I catch them all if you keep on making more Pokemon? And how the hell, can I be the best if you keep upgrading my neefing Pokedex? Dear New Generations, You're breaking my heart. I think you need an intervention, before you tear my childhood apart. You take everything I love, and much to my dismay, You try to make it better but you neefed it all awayy.