I'm staring out the window as we Drive through miles and miles of mountain pines And I can't see the overlook cause I'm Focused on the traffic I'm stuck behind And all the while I'm wondering why The world's the way it is and where you are That question would be answered if I'd just stop And get out of the car And I fail to see the stars And then I ask you who you are And I wonder why I haven't gotten an answer Oh, we want all these miracles And yet we hold onto the literal I plead for just one reply Without ever glancing to the sky You've been giving us all heartbeats simply as a reminder Trying to tell us just find relief in all that's around us But we just keep looking past the blue skies And trying to find the sun And this whole world is all worn down from chasing idols We have a tendency to lose ourselves in all that surrounds us But won't you break through all the distractions And point us right back to all of the pine trees Lets go