His body isn't young Anymore... Grey hairs cover his face and Scalp like snow covers ground He doesn't have a dancer's body He doesn't have a dancer's grace He's tall and probably weighs a Little more than he should Most would look and see... A man Plane and simple Nothing delicate Nothing sensitive Just a regular bro with no Special gift for dance But he dances anyway... When he dances I feel his every move Sculptured on disappointment Seasoned with heartache Punctuated by every mistake He's a worn jacket turned inside out Ready to be sewn lovingly with Needle and thread and this Melody floating on winds Tilt your head Bird song Spread your wings Bird song Look on his face Lines creased into concentration Inner awareness awake and rising His spirit drifting from heavy to light His body gesticulating articulating A spin a twirl a jump a hop Hands going this way and that Weaving a basket of truth One cup Africa Two pinches Alvin Ailey Stirred together with a fistful of heart In a pot over open fire An elixir simmering... Going round and round Floating now in slow motion Cards revealing the secrets of Life and death and how they dance Together through time, so... Every wave of the palm. Every flick of the wrist Every bend of the arm. Every twist of the hip Every lift of the thigh. Every touch of soul through sole on Mother Earth... Becomes... A moment to savor A breath to breathe in air A chance to remember scent of Bananas yellow on the kitchen table Simple pleasures like Honey on tongue In this present Amidst these gifts His intention is clear To be here Make this dance the best dance Dance like this dance is the last dance Every time Every single rhyme Expressed now let the rest Just be