Have you ever seen before 実際 ここまで 正体隠しても怪しまれねぇ 点と点 繋げただけの線 で面と向かうのも面倒くせぇし maybe No meaning to me, I am stupid いつでもバカを見るのは who is Make money money, make money money, funny that It should disappear during the night Lock down the street 247 なら Mind 次第 to be hell or heaven だな Thank you for the chance, it's time to the bounce マイナスをプラスに change with the sounds 世にも奇妙な悲劇の末路 グラサン越し赤目見出す活路 掌の上で踊る ピエロのまんまじゃ先無さそう だな It's a state of emergency (You gotta get down) Babylon tryna murder me (No matter me) To the North, to the East, to the West, to the South side (to the South side) It's a state of emergency (You gotta get down) Babylon tryna murder me (No matter me) To the North, to the East, to the West, to the South side (to the South side) Yo hey yo 有るようで無い または無いようで有る 問題は数値?否 内容である どす黒く曇って白黒 赤のサイレン回し火をつけろ 問答無用の天の声 屍の山も幾千を越え きな臭い異臭漂うここは Ghost town どこもかしこも袖振り横断 集団 言わず見ざる聞かざるの Monkey's 涙目で get down 見えない壁 隔離され 混ぜるな危険のレッテル貼れ 晴れて freedom, All I have to do is 退路断ち切り Just do it 枯れ地に蒔いた種 汗と涙 糧にして芽吹く BLAST music come up It's a state of emergency (You gotta get down) Babylon tryna murder me (No matter me) To the North, to the East, to the West, to the South side (to the South side) It's a state of emergency (You gotta get down) Babylon tryna murder me (No matter me) To the North, to the East, to the West, to the South side (to the South side) It's a state of emergency Babylon tryna murder me To the North, to the East, to the West, to the South side It's a state of emergency Babylon tryna murder me To the North, to the East, to the West, to the South side