Music in me (Stephen Encinas) Deep inside my heart I have found what was hidden Since I was born it was there, now it's risen Blossomed in sweet melodies As I sing for you, my song My heart was sad, now it's filled with a laughter Dancing and beating with a childlike splendour Singing in sweet harmony as I play my tune It is my heart that sings for you It is my soul that plays the tune It is my mind that thanks the Lord That there is so much music in me Oh what a place, what great taste has its maker Flowers and bees, lovely trees spread all over Blending in harmonious love With the songs I sing, from my heart One day will come in a time just beyond us When we'll all sing something just like my chorus Angels with harps from above, join with us and play Deeper and deeper you'll sink in the music Sweeter and sweeter you'll feel as you sing it Pick out some notes and just sing All about your own life story Many a night I have sat serenading Dimmed down the lights held on tight reminiscing And then the music and you Just blows my mind