今宵もあそこで誰かがイケないヤツを舐めてる 今宵もあそこで誰かがイケないヤツを舐めてる 今宵もあそこで誰かがイケないヤツを舐めてる 今宵もあそこで誰かがイケないヤツを舐めてる ♪ てめぇが好む甘い蜜 もがき苦しみ消えんのはいつ? 味見しすぎてイかれたwhat's? 地獄へ落ちんのをひたすら待つ I was disappointed in you I'm not interested in you anymore Where does it hurt, where does it hurt? 高くなりすぎた積み木 指先に触れて崩れ落ちる Where does it hurt, where does it hurt? 悲しい顔で笑っていても 残骸の側の蜜が"全て"語る Come over fucking here Come over fucking here Come over fucking here Come over fucking here ♪ Would you like a taste of honey? Would you like a taste of honey? Would you like a taste of honey? Would you like a taste of honey? "Love", "money", fucking "pleasure" Would you like a taste of honey? "Love", "money", fucking "pleasure" Would you like a taste of honey? ♪ How does it taste? They seem fucking happy How does it taste? It's not to my fucking taste How does it taste? Feel free to have your fill How does it taste, how does it taste? I was disappointed in you I'm not interested in you anymore Where does it hurt, where does it hurt? 高くなりすぎた積み木 指先に触れて崩れ落ちる Where does it hurt, where does it hurt? 悲しい顔で笑っていても 残骸の側の蜜が"全て"語る