1人俯き周りを見渡す Switch on the light. I can't see anything 此処は此処?誰の声も聞こえない I'm shouted for help 唯一の救いも何処かに隠れて出てきやしない 鼻歌を頼りに此処から抜け出そう ただひたすら叫び続け 聞こえたのは「助けて」と聞き覚えのある声 I'm afraid to walk Cuz everything will be disappear from me So now sing a melody for get rid of my brain If there is nothing across the door I'm afraid to walk 気付けばこの暗闇にも慣れてしまい おかしいでしょ?居心地も悪くない How many time should i scream to someone? I'm terrified that something attack me again I'm afraid to walk Cuz everything will be disappear from me So now sing a melody for get rid of my brain If there is nothing across the door I'm afraid to walk 今僕は此処にいるよ 聞こえるかな... この声は僕の中でしか歩けない I'm afraid to walk Cuz everything will be disappear from me So now sing a melody for get rid of my brain If there is nothing across the door I'm afraid to walk Don't be afraid to walk