Our wits unmatched A ridiculous existence, setting joke after joke Can't help but laugh Full of flavor, though, regarded as a tasteless approach Unrealistic to address absurdities and not expect to encroach Take nothing back, like your scorn will somehow manage to reach your younger, idiot self Reverse parading through the town Will the ecosystem ripple ambidextrous now? For the love of life, remodel - redesign For the love of life, renew - don't pesticide Surpassing every corked ear, osmosis implanting our subconscious - borrowed attributes Pardon the confusion, circumference of a linear path Systematically network, codependent on structures that overlap with projection of extreme contrast Results don't succeed exasperated lungs All the evidence you wanted with the speaking of tongues Stuck in a loop of shaming motivation Compassionate if only for a moment No one to be our Teachers or Policemen All bravery seems to have settled for the wasteland My prodding comes with no intent to provoke, but welcome in From behind a faithless podium, standing hollow and thin On either side, our innard-knots pre-tied and quite specific Pull to mitigate the symptoms