Tic tac, I've been watching the clock go round Crawling through the minutes, counting every second down I've been working too hard, working too much I'm all up tied and I'm out of touch When I get this way, when I need an escape Cause there's a place I go, where the blue sky shines Hard, hard women, beer on ice, 24/7 There's a piece of heaven Come on in, yeah the water's fine Everybody here's a friend of mine You can call it a bar, you can call it a club We call it the sunshine club It's raining all over the world right now I try to watch the news but it only seems to bring me down The weather man says it's gonna be more But it's high and dry through those swinging doors Through dry or flurry, no no, I don't worry Cause there's a place I go, where the blue sky shines Hard, hard women, beer on ice, 24/7 There's a piece of heaven Come on in, yeah the water's fine Everybody here's a friend of mine You can call it a bar, you can call it a club We call it the sunshine club. Cause there's a place I go, where the blue sky shines Hard, hard women, beer on ice, 24/7 There's a piece of heaven Come on in, yeah the water's fine Everybody here's a friend of mine You can call it a bar, you can call it a club We call it the sunshine club.