I'd rather be rich than famous Famous won't get you home I'd rather be rich than famous Famous won't get you home So show me the money honey A man this boy's gone Robert Johnson was a famous guy Had maybe a dollar when he died Robert Johnson was a famous guy Had maybe a dollar when he died He was known from shore to shore But he couldn't cash his cheque at the liqour store I'd rather be rich than famous Famous won't get you home I'd rather be rich than famous Famous won't get you home So show me the money honey A man this boy's gone You wanna put my picture in a magazine Well, you Better make a forbe's nine Screaming teen I don't have to be known from shore to shore I just wanna cash my cheque at the Liqour store I'd rather be rich than famous Famous won't get you home So show me the money honey A man this boy's gone Now you don't have to put me in a limousine I'll hack a cab, I dont have to be seen I'm just looking for that final score So I can cash my cheque at the Liqour store I'd rather be rich than famous Famous won't get you home So show me the money honey A man this boy's gone I'd rather be rich than famous I'd rather be rich than famous I'd rather be rich than famous I'd rather be rich than famous So show me the money honey A man this boy's gone