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Coming from (the) under the groundComing from (the) under the groundConquering the air and landConquering the air and landSeed is to be sown now yeah yeahSeed is to be sown now yeah yeahGrowing to a capital plantGrowing to a capital plantOpen up your mind and you find this soundOpen up your mind and you find this soundMix of every tin gong and add the groundMix of every tin gong and add the groundUna come far jungle jeep before we onUna come far jungle jeep before we onWe feel upset cause the singer have an unexpected lookWe feel upset cause the singer have an unexpected lookInternational rude boys are right and wrongInternational rude boys are right and wrongSomebody say new dubby conqueror there inna townSomebody say new dubby conqueror there inna townWe appear never since so reggae basketballerWe appear never since so reggae basketballerThe world is no smallerThe world is no smallerEyh, der alte Jadi zeigte lange keine RegungЭй, старый Джади долго не проявлял никакого волнения.Doch mit dem Bass kommt er langsam in BewegungТем не менее, с басом он медленно приходит в движениеWir sind der juppie-Wecker der ihn jeden Abend wecktМы- будильник для джуппи, который будит его каждую ночь.Wir sind das Gras, dass ihm um die Ohren wächstМы-трава, которая растет у него на ушах.Wir gehen den weiten Weg in's Land der tausend HonigblütenМы идем по длинному пути в страну тысячи медоносных цветов.Singen und swingen und klingen anders als die andern TypenПение, свинг и звучание отличаются от других типовDie zunge macht sich krumm aber die Musik geht gradЯзык кривится, но музыка идет на убыль.Aus ohne Rücksicht auf die (Haut)FarbeВне зависимости от цвета (кожи)Coming from (the) under the groundComing from (the) under the groundConquering the air and landConquering the air and landSeed is to be sown now yeah yeahSeed is to be sown now yeah yeahGrowing to a capital plantGrowing to a capital plantComing from (the) under the groundComing from (the) under the groundConquering the air and landConquering the air and landSeed is to be sown now yeah yeahSeed is to be sown now yeah yeahGrowing to a capital plantGrowing to a capital plantOpen up your mind and you find this soundOpen up your mind and you find this soundMix of every tin gong and add the groundMix of every tin gong and add the groundUna come far jungle jeep before we onUna come far jungle jeep before we onWe feel upset cause the singer have an unexpected lookWe feel upset cause the singer have an unexpected lookInternational rude boys are right and wrongInternational rude boys are right and wrongSomebody say new dubby conqueror there inna townSomebody say new dubby conqueror there inna townWe appear never since so reggae basketballerWe appear never since so reggae basketballerThe world is no smallerThe world is no smallerWir ham beschlossen nicht zu gehn bevor das Herz steh'n bleibtМы, хам, решили не уходить, пока сердце не остановится.Mitten im Gedränge vor der Plattenpresse, HerrlichkeitПосреди толчеи перед пластинчатым прессом, слава.Von 13 wegen zum Erfolg sind 12 zu weitИз 13 путей к успеху 12 - это слишком далекоBreitgetreten ist der Weg der übrig bleibtШироко шагая, это путь, который остаетсяWie so viele, denken wir es ist vorherbestimmtКак и многие, мы думаем, что это предопределеноAußer dem für einen Ehrenplatz im Entertainment - OlympЗа исключением того, что он претендует на почетное место на Олимпе развлеченийDoch da nur wichtig ist was ist und nicht was wäreНо поскольку важно только то, что есть, а не то, что было быBeissen wir für unsre KarriereДавайте сделаем ставку на нашу карьеруComing from (the) under the groundComing from (the) under the groundConquering the air and landConquering the air and landSeed is to be sown now yeah yeahSeed is to be sown now yeah yeahGrowing to a capital plantGrowing to a capital plantComing from (the) under the groundComing from (the) under the groundConquering the air and landConquering the air and landSeed is to be sown now yeah yeahSeed is to be sown now yeah yeahGrowing to a capital plantGrowing to a capital plantComing from (the) under the groundComing from (the) under the groundConquering the air and landConquering the air and landSeed is to be sown now yeah yeahSeed is to be sown now yeah yeahGrowing to a capital plantGrowing to a capital plantComing from (the) under the groundComing from (the) under the groundConquering the air and landConquering the air and landSeed is to be sown now yeah yeahSeed is to be sown now yeah yeahGrowing to a capital plantGrowing to a capital plant____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A song 'bout a boy who wanted in mayA song bout a boy who wanted in mayA song 'bout a man who died aloneA song bout a man who died aloneNow Mrs. Audrey I think you want meNow Mrs. Audrey I think you want meAnd if you don't, say that I am wrongAnd if you dont, say that I am wrongEasy, oh boy now, easyEasy, oh boy now, easyShe said and squeeze meShe said and squeeze meAnd then walked onAnd then walked onTo mi or knocked mi doorTo mi or knocked mi door... (?)... (?)