The more we get together Together, together The more we get together The happier we'll be I'm about to make it hot in a minute Everybody been staring for a minute Yeah blazing up to the sky Everybody gotta work it for a try Nah can't beat my soul Never settled gonna make a goal Faking to the right and fading back Gotta show you what I've got. Take my snap 捱過那奮鬥 來到這決鬥 由技術和藝術成就 皇控制節奏 神降世撲救 太珍惜眾出色對手 埋門一腳踢開包袱 全場逼搶偷到滿足 如圍城中天空太污濁 從場內借幸福 Everybody kick off the game right now! Na na na na na na na na na na na na! 交出優美組織 每一腳傑作 Na na na na na na na na na na na na! 感激這片草 送我剎那的天堂 集結著豪傑 就算力竭 未怕波折 靠 鬥志連結 用 意志 同步 戰意 盡情發洩 轟烈 寫下輝煌一頁 集合 同路人 夢想 注入各路人能量 擊掌 鼓掌 聲勢透徹響氣勢萬象 硬仗贏得漂亮 有你遇強愈強 融化眾國界 團結我世界 憑運動人自動強大 懷鐵血氣派 尋智勇美態 哨子聲叫紛爭瓦解 埋門一腳踢開包袱 全場逼搶偷到滿足 如圍城中找不到歸屬 從場內借幸福 Everybody kick off the game right now! Na na na na na na na na na na na na! 譜出一片彩色 美得似幻覺 Na na na na na na na na na na na na! 感激這片草 送我這剎那 The more we get together, together, together The more we get together, the happier we'll be ♪ Everybody kick off the game right now! 球迷同聲歡呼!球迷全體瘋狂! 譜出一片彩色 美得似幻覺(get together, come on) 球迷同聲歡呼!球迷全體瘋狂! 感激這片草 送我這剎那 The more we get together, together, together The more we get together, together(get together, come on) We are one 燒滾每一顆靈魂 (The more we get together, together, together) We are one 捉緊每一刻幸運 (The more we get together, together, together) We are one 分享每一份感恩 (The more we get together) We are one (the happier we'll be)