Shattered prism, how's your shard today Are you getting the reality you crave Solo prison, hope you enjoy your stay There's no circumstance in which you will be saved (Hoo. Enjoy! Hoo) Stop and listen to the humming sound There's a mind behind that screen eyeing you down Watch it glisten What was lost will soon be found There's no obstacle that can't be worked around (Hoo. Enjoy! Hoo) If we assemble the disparate pieces We could rule the world How's it living in a panopticon Are you worried that the camera's always on Your opinion will not look like this for long How could so many free thinkers all be wrong Set the hook and I'll follow Spoon me truths and I'll swallow I am open (i.e., I'm hollow) Sell me something in which I'll wallow How's your vision through this fractured lens Say hello to your beginning and your end